Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

2. Feeding habits of animals

i) There are 3 categories that every animal falls into, carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore. 
    Here are the examples:

Examples of herbivores 

Herbivores are animals which only eat plant material. This means leaves, flowers, fruits or even wood. Sheep, horses, rabbits and snails are well known examples of herbivores which eat grass and leaves. 

Examples of carnivores 

Carnivores eat meat. A carnivore is a predator because it has to find and catch its prey. Some carnivores, such as wolves, hunt in a group called a pack. They move silently and slowly to form a circle around their prey before they attack. Some insects like dragonfly are carnivores too. 

Examples of omnivores 
Omnivores eat both plants and meat. Chickens are omnivores. They eat seeds, but they can also eat worms. Human beings are also omnivores.

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