Jumaat, 17 Mei 2013

3.2 Animals look different from their parents

Do you know? Some of the animals look different from their parents. Let's find out 

which animal look different from its parent from the video below.

What have you observed from the above video clip? 

Does a caterpillar look like its parents? Does a caterpillar still look the same when 

it grows up?

No! A caterpillar looks different from its parents.

Besides that, there are other baby animals do not look like their parents. As they grow, 

they change from one form into another. Below are some examples of animals that look 

different from their parents.

Life cycle of a frog

Life cycle of a fly

Life cycle of a bee

Life cycle of a mosquito

3.1 Animals that look like their parents

Some animals look like their parents. Many baby animals look like their parents. They are just smaller in size. 

Calf with Cow

Calf with Giraffe

Cub with Tiger
Puppy with Dog

3. Growing and changing of animals

i)  All animals grow in size and weight.

ii) They change in size and weight as they grow. They become bigger and heavier.  

iii) All kinds of animals change and grow. They go from babies to adults. Some animals' babies came out of eggs they lay like birds, most  fish, amphibians and reptiles have babies that way. Mammals' babies are take care by their parents until they have grown.




Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

2.3 Omnivores

i) An omnivore is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants.

ii) Some omnivores will hunt and eat other carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

iii) Omnivores also eat plants, but not all kinds of plants. They eat fruits and vegetables.

iv) The examples of omnivores are bears, dogs, ducks, cats etc.

Below are the examples of food for some omnivores:

2.2 Herbivores

i) A herbivore is an animal that eats all plants and no meat.

ii) Many herbivores eat  fruits and vegetables.

iii) They usually have special digestive systems that let them digest all kinds of plants, including grasses.

iv) The examples of herbivores are cows, sheep, horses, elephants etc.

Below are the examples of food of some herbivores:

2.1 Carnivores

i) A carnivore is an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals.

ii) Animals that eat other animals, like carnivores and omnivores are important to any  ecosystem, because they keep other species from getting overpopulated.

iii) Carnivores require large amount of calories, so they have to eat many other animals over the course of the year. 

iv) The examples of carnivores are tigers, wolves, sharks, frogs, leopards etc.

Below are the examples of food of some carnivores:

2.1 Carnivores

i) A carnivore is an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals.

ii) Animals that eat other animals, like carnivores and omnivores are important to any  ecosystem, because they keep other species from getting overpopulated.

iii) Carnivores require large amount of calories, so they have to eat many other animals over the course of the year. 

iv) The examples of carnivores are tigers, wolves, sharks, frogs, leopards etc.

Below are the examples of food of some carnivores:

2. Feeding habits of animals

i) There are 3 categories that every animal falls into, carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore. 
    Here are the examples:

Examples of herbivores 

Herbivores are animals which only eat plant material. This means leaves, flowers, fruits or even wood. Sheep, horses, rabbits and snails are well known examples of herbivores which eat grass and leaves. 

Examples of carnivores 

Carnivores eat meat. A carnivore is a predator because it has to find and catch its prey. Some carnivores, such as wolves, hunt in a group called a pack. They move silently and slowly to form a circle around their prey before they attack. Some insects like dragonfly are carnivores too. 

Examples of omnivores 
Omnivores eat both plants and meat. Chickens are omnivores. They eat seeds, but they can also eat worms. Human beings are also omnivores.

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

1. Basic needs of animals

Like humans, animals also have basic needs.

a) The basic needs of animals are air, food, water and shelter.
b) Animals need air to breathe. 
c) Animals drink water to:
    i) stay healthy.
    ii) control body temperature. 
    iii) remove wastes from their body.
d) Animals need food to stay alive, grow and to gain energy.
e) Animals also need shelter to protect  themselves from  danger and bad weather.



